Jan 28, 2015

Tip 4-2015: Recording a Deed? The Clerk Rules!

Effective January 1, 2015, Clerk's offices may refuse to record a deed or other document if the last names are not differentiated by capitalization or an underscore from the first name. So, the first name may be lower case, and the last name upper, like this: John DOE. Or, if both the first and last names are capitalized, the last name must also be underscored, like this: JOHN DOE. This only applies to deeds and documents recorded without a cover sheet.

If you aren't familiar with a certain Clerk's rules for recording, it's best to call that Clerk's Office. Better yet, make sure you use a local real estate professional, already familiar with the procedures of the local Clerk's Offices. It can make the closing process that much smoother!

Contact me at 434-951-0858 or Tucker@TGBLaw.com if you have questions.

William D. Tucker, III
Tucker Griffin Barnes P.C.
Charlottesville & Lake Monticello


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